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Type-2 diabetes is a life-long condition in which the level of glucose in your bloodstream becomes higher than ordinary. When the body struggles to respond to the natural insulin it grows. When a person has diabetes, the major risk factors for erectile dysfunction are neural damage, blood-vessel damage, and bad blood circulation. Nerves broken because of diabetes can't work correctly. So it doesn't respond, even when a man is sexually stimulated, the important signal sent from the brain isn't relayed to the penis. Nitric oxide also Online Pharmacys In Usa plays an essential role in erection. A poor blood glucose control due to Cialis diabetes may hinder the creation of nitric-oxide. Insufficient nitric oxide can lead to a fall in penile blood-pressure, thereby affecting the normal functioning mechanism of the valves in the member. Because of this, blood moves from the organ rather than remaining stuck there to sustain erection during sexual intercourse.